“This is an intellectually ambitious collection of essays written by a woman whose longing for inner wholeness is deeply moving.”
—Vivian Gornick, author of Fierce Attachments.
“Rhythmic, syncopated, the prose has an astute lyric edge. Engaging hard memories as well as the absurdities of the lived day, Mehta scoops up details with a Nabokovian eye. These essays come at us from every angle and amount to a wholly original self-portrait.”
—Sven Birkerts, author of The Miro Worm and the Mysteries of Writing
“In this wonderful collection, the poet’s imagination and inventive language meets the essayist’s quest to find meaning in the everyday chaos of life. The result is a work of rare thoughtfulness and surpassing beauty.”
—Clifford Thompson, author of What It Is: Race, Family, and One Thinking Black Man’s Blues
“A volcano of sensory association, skittering across the globe, projecting into the fourth dimension, ocean beds, the afterlife; communing with memory and tracks people leave; a whirlwind. A reading experience on no map, but the journey is epic.”
—Minna Zallman Proctor, author of Landslide: True Stories